I Feel a Wee Bit SIC, the Sequel

http://www.thenational.scot/news/15024333.SIC_conference_backs_playing_hardball_over_Scotland___s_share_of_UK_debt/ So the SIC Convention discussed and debated a number of things on Saturday. The two most important ones for me, were apparent votes, one about Scotlands debt and the other was on EU membership. (although I don’t think either was a vote, they were more of an opinion poll). This polling was conducted by […]

I feel a wee bit SiC

First lets put things into perspective here. The SNP appear to be running scared of holding another referendum anytime soon. What happened to their summer of building for indyref2. All they actually did was conduct an online poll as far as I can see and then no action. Apart of course from all the posturing […]

Corbyn wins, Woo Hoo, I Think?

The Oxford Encyclopaedia defines Socialism as; “A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.” Does another Corbyn election bring us any closer to that? Do the SNP in Scotland even advocate that? Does Scottish […]